Welcome to the FPG Request and Collaboration Portal.
Brief help:
Please select the menu items at the top or left to interact with the system, and to better communicate with FPG Representatives.
To view your organization's submitted requests, use the “Requests” menu drop-down and select “View Requests”.
To add / create a new request for your organization, use the “Requests” menu drop-down and select “Create New Request”.
To view your organization’s company information, use the “Contacts/Users” menu drop-down and select “My Company Info”.
To view your organization’s company contact / user list, use the “Contacts/Users” menu drop-down and select “Contact/User List”.
To add / create new company contact / user for your organization, use the “Contacts/Users” menu drop-down and select “Add Contact/User”.
To find additional help, please contact us via email: